Few months ago Anil Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapur, Shobhita Dhulipala and Tillotama Shome stormed the internet with the Indian adaptation of The Night Manager. The show was extremely well received for its grippy storytelling and on point performances by everyone.
Unlike the original show, which had Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie and Olivia Colman, where all episodes were dropped in one go, the makers of the Indian installment decided to split the season into two parts, opting for a gap of a few months.Besides this one change, the Indian makers, Sandeep Modi and Sridhar Raghavn, have made quite a few changes to adapt the show to a more Indian setting and now we are getting to know that they have also changed the climax of the show.
A source close to the development informed us, “Both, Aditya and Anil’s characters are layered and shaped keeping their massive fan following in mind, especially in India, the makers wanted to give the Indian version a little twist. They were contemplating a different ending for the Indian adaptation and have incorporated a few new elements. Shaan (Aditya) and Shelly (Anil) will have a very different conclusion from the original.”
So, who will have the last laugh in this thriller? The suspense will be spilled on June 30!The Indian adaptation is produced by Banijay Asia.
Unlike the original show, which had Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie and Olivia Colman, where all episodes were dropped in one go, the makers of the Indian installment decided to split the season into two parts, opting for a gap of a few months.Besides this one change, the Indian makers, Sandeep Modi and Sridhar Raghavn, have made quite a few changes to adapt the show to a more Indian setting and now we are getting to know that they have also changed the climax of the show.
A source close to the development informed us, “Both, Aditya and Anil’s characters are layered and shaped keeping their massive fan following in mind, especially in India, the makers wanted to give the Indian version a little twist. They were contemplating a different ending for the Indian adaptation and have incorporated a few new elements. Shaan (Aditya) and Shelly (Anil) will have a very different conclusion from the original.”
So, who will have the last laugh in this thriller? The suspense will be spilled on June 30!The Indian adaptation is produced by Banijay Asia.
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