Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has said that the State Government has decided to distribute lands, allotted to the landless poor in the past, to eligible assignees.
He was responding to complaints from land assignees of Nadergul Khasra saying that attempts were being made to usurp the lands allotted to them during the period of former Prime Minister the late Indira Gandhi. They complained that private persons were trying to stake claim on their lands through false GPAs and court orders. Efforts had been made in the past to forcibly vacate them from their lands but erstwhile United AP’s former Chief Minister the late Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy stood by the landowners in ensuring that they were in possession of their lands.
However, some private persons were trying to vacate them from their lands with the help of officials and police. Over 1,000 families, predominantly from weaker sections, were dependent on these lands but were not able to take to legal course, they told Mr. Vikramarka.
Positively responding to their pleas, the Deputy Chief Minister asked them to submit their problems in writing so that he could communicate his directions to the existing owners and the officials concerned. He said he would finalise the future course of action after discussing the matter with the officials concerned.
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