Manoj Bajpayee was showered with praise for his stint, in the critically acclaimed web series The Family Man. Taking the Amazon Prime show’s popularity into account, you must think that Manoj might have walked away with hefty pay, after the series’ conclusion. But surprisingly, it was quite the contrary, as revealed by Manoj Bajpayee himself. Recently, the Bollywood actor made a guest appearance in the Youtube show Unfiltered, by Samdish. In the interaction, when he was asked about his remuneration, Manoj’s honest reply was that he was way underpaid by the OTT platform.
Manoj Bajpayee underpaid for The Family Man
When the YouTube host wanted to know about Manoj Bajpayee’s bank balance, which he deemed to be colossal enough, the actor waved off the idea with a laugh. He shared that it was impossible for an actor to get rich by doing films like Gali Guleiyan and Bhosle. The interviewer further expressed his confidence that Manoj must have received, “Salman Khan or Shah Rukh Khan-type fees” for The Family Man. But, he was proved wrong once again.
Manoj Bajpayee on OTT platforms paying Hollywood stars more
Dismissing the notion, Manoj Bajpayee shared, “Yeh OTT wale regular producer se kam nahi hai (OTT platforms are just as bad as regular producers). They will pay big stars. I did not get the kind of money I should have for The Family Man.” Making a shocking claim, The Family Man actor spoke about how the same OTT platform would be ready to splurge huge amounts of money for a Hollywood celebrity. “Gora aayega, show karega to de denge (If a white actor does the show, they will pay)” he said.
Comparing the remuneration strategy of OTT platforms to brands in Chinese brands, Manoj Bajpayee sarcastic remark was, “Brands have factories in China because there is cheap labour. Similarly, I am the cheap labour here.” Taking the example of Hollywood star John Krasinski’s popular web series Jack Ryan, Manoj said that such actors were being paid, “bhar bhar ke (a hefty sum).”
The Family Man plot
The Family Man revolves around a world-class spy, Srikant Tiwari. He lands in a hilarious chain of chaotic events trying to protect his country while also safeguarding his family from the lethal secrets of his job. Manoj Bajpayee was last seen in the Disney+Hotstar film Gulmohar
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