Neena Gupta’s career has seen a kind of resurgence post Badhaai Ho, something that not many actors have got. And post that the veteran actress is not sitting on her laurels, she is pushing the envelope with her choices and that can be seen even in her next project Lust Stories 2, where she is playing a grandmother who encourages conversation about sex.
Talking about her choice in the film, in an interview she said if a grandmother doesn’t say the things that she is saying, then there will be no impact.Talking about her own experience she mentioned that during her growing up years, she along with her parents and brother, all used to sleep in the same room. She had no idea about sex and her mother also never told her anything, not even about periods and even mothers were scared to breach the topic of sex.
She also added that when she went to college, her mother was so strict with her that she wouldn’t even allow her to go for movies with her girlfriends. In fact, thanks to the movies she would see, till she was in college she used to think that one would get pregnant just by kissing. And she’s happy that her role as grandmother has started a conversation.
Talking about her choice in the film, in an interview she said if a grandmother doesn’t say the things that she is saying, then there will be no impact.Talking about her own experience she mentioned that during her growing up years, she along with her parents and brother, all used to sleep in the same room. She had no idea about sex and her mother also never told her anything, not even about periods and even mothers were scared to breach the topic of sex.
She also added that when she went to college, her mother was so strict with her that she wouldn’t even allow her to go for movies with her girlfriends. In fact, thanks to the movies she would see, till she was in college she used to think that one would get pregnant just by kissing. And she’s happy that her role as grandmother has started a conversation.
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