Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani tied the knot on February 21 this year in Goa. Their wedding celebrations began with an Anand Karaj ceremony, honoring Rakul’s Sikh heritage, followed by the Pheras in the evening to commemorate Jackky’s Sindhi roots. The star-studded event saw the presence of several celebrities, including Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra, Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal, Ananya Panday, and Aditya Roy Kapur.
A trending video circulating on social media captures Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani leaving a restaurant after dinner. The couple sported coordinated white outfits, with Rakul dazzling in a short white dress and Jackky exuding charm in a white shirt paired with blue denim. Joined by actress Pragya Jaiswal, they headed towards their car, with Rakul and Pragya occupying the back seats while Jackky settled into the passenger seat. Playfully, the paparazzi suggested Jackky sit beside Rakul, evoking blushes from both.
A trending video circulating on social media captures Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani leaving a restaurant after dinner. The couple sported coordinated white outfits, with Rakul dazzling in a short white dress and Jackky exuding charm in a white shirt paired with blue denim. Joined by actress Pragya Jaiswal, they headed towards their car, with Rakul and Pragya occupying the back seats while Jackky settled into the passenger seat. Playfully, the paparazzi suggested Jackky sit beside Rakul, evoking blushes from both.
Earlier, Rakul reflected on the changes in her relationship with Jackky after tying the knot. “When we first started dating three years ago, we had a conversation about this. We realized that we are both happy and complete as individuals, and being together simply adds to our happiness,” Rakul shared in an interview with HT. “We don’t feel the need to constantly check in or fill any voids. Instead, we focus on our individual lives and pursuits,” she added. Rakul emphasized the importance of maintaining their individuality and leaving work behind when they are together. She highlighted their strong bond as best friends, emphasizing that they share everything with each other.
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