Now, in an exclusive interview with ETimes, the director has opened up about Salman Khan’s message and what he has learned from him. Talking about the message he said, “He just added to the pressure !!! ( laughs). I like making films for the big screen. BMCM is a big Eid release, so there is pressure of box office numbers. But there is a vision to the script, and the cast, crew and all producers have come together to make it a reality. And now when we see it, we feel we have something very special on our hands. I don’t even remember which was the last film you could go and watch with your kids .. it is designed for community viewing. It has been six years since I’ve not made a film for the big screen, but with this one, I’m feeling very very happy.”
Talking about his learning from working with Salman and how that helped in working with Akshay and Tiger, he said, “Every film that you do, teaches you something … what Salman sir’s film taught me was patience … so there was a lot of patience in me while working on this movie.The best part about the cast of BMCM was that each one of them was very disciplined. Especially Akshay sir and Tiger, they have a routine whether they are shooting or not shooting, they wake up at a certain time, and sleep at a certain time.”
Adding more he stated, “ The best part of working with Akshay Sir is that his sense of humour is so wicked, that he keeps the mood of the sets extremely light. Because of such amazing work ethics, we completed the shoot of the film in just 100 days, which for an action film is amazing!”
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